Monday, April 11, 2011



We take snapshots along our journey.
When we do, it is our internal safe device
to inadvertently protect the moment.
It is our way of saying the picture will always remain
even if time should erode the reality of that moment.
Our fond memories remain including the sad ones
as we flip from page to page.
We smile at the memory, the times shared with close friends.
We feel the serenity for a brief moment
as we look thoughtfully at the pictures.
The special ones even make it into a picture frame
because they remind us of a precious moment.
They remind us of a relationship shared.
If we feel sad or alone on any particular day,
we look at the picture and the memory brings
a moment of comfort to our day.
I’m sure as we get older and continue to look at the snapshots
we appreciate them more and more as time goes on.
Especially as our reflection changes over time.
We realize how great we looked back then.
The tear of time may stain some old photos to see loved ones gone.
But we still have the picture, don’t we? We won.
Our insurance paid off. We still have the memory, that picture.
But it does also bring a pain of sorrow
with that realization of what seems lost.
If we dig deep enough we can still hear the laughter and sense
the quiet breeze of that day spent together with loved ones.
I cherish those moments shared.
Nothing seems to stay the same for a long period of time.
Why is it so?
Only God knows the answers to life’s questions.
I hope you enjoy the snapshots of the time you shared.
Reminisce for a moment, smile at the memory.
Mostly never forget what is true blue.
It easily gets lost in the shadows.
Find the beauty in life.
Sometimes it is nice to sit in the shadows with a close friend.
That is where I wait, in the shadow of God’s Mighty Wings,
I am compelled to stay and wait until we meet again.

Author - Rebecca Wills Robinson