Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gifts - A Reflection of His Love


Endless streams of water poured over my children and me as we stood under the waterfalls. Gushing out from between the tightly packed rocks, water flowed with an endless rush down over the boulders with a vibrant force. The sun was shining through the mist making a prism of colours, pink, yellow and green. With hands held high we bathed in the moment of refreshing. Our smiles glowed, cheeks the colour of rose pedals. Refreshing, cleansing, a spiritual awakening, and a moment in time. The sense datum in the air of that day, was a sweet natural scent, lending itself to our pleasure. With eyes closed, our arms artlessly propelled toward the sky cognizant of the fact that we were standing beneath God’s intricately made waterfall which he was pouring out for our enjoyment on that hot summer day. To this day, that waterfall remains secluded deep within the forests of Algonquin. The portage was worth every moment. Oh, how that memory refreshes me even now fifteen years later. The children are grown and living on their own. Yet, I remember that moment in time, the precious memory in our lives, treasured and guarded safe within the expression of my mind and my heart. With a willingness to share one of my life experiences with you, in a hope that in some way I would remind you of a similar time in your life when you felt that there was something special or divine in your life.

We all have these moments. I would like to call them gifts from God. You know they are special because these moments capture the deepest part of whom God has created us to be. God moments. The feeling you get the first time you ride a bike. The awe that takes your breath away when you watch the calm in a morning sunrise. The bond of love felt when a baby is born. That unsettled butterfly in your stomach when you are driving your boat over the waves at such speed that your eyes water and tears stream down your face. Or maybe it is the connection between close friends sharing a picnic basket. Yes, there are many such moments to treasure.

These moments are a part of our lives. Stemmed from opportunities given, chances taken and choices made. There is a wise saying: “Stop and smell the roses”. Did you ever notice that roses don’t last very long? They have a sweet fragrance when they flower. However after about a week or so the pedals fall off. Sometimes all you are left with is a bush of thorns. Even in that state, they have a uniqueness about them. I think there is a message in that saying. I was thinking just the other day that I would really like to have more of those God moments. Moments when we want to see, feel or hear that wow factor. Perhaps they are there, but I don’t recognize them for one reason or another. Life can get to busy that we get caught in that time warp and don't realize that there is so much in life to experience. It is a big world out there. We can have these times of refreshing every day if we choose. The first thing we need to do is stop what we are doing. If it means pulling your car off to the side of a road and looking at the wild flowers, why not take a minute to observe how beautiful wild flowers can be. Shut the television off and take a walk along the road side. Drive to a lake and watch an amazing sunset and notice the colours in the sky. Sit on the front step with a loved one and point out to each other what you see amongst the numerous stars.

Did you like fishing when you were a child? Go fishing, even bait the hook. Take a minute to get away and listen to sounds of the singing frogs, crickets, the swish of the wind. Feel the breeze on your face. Notice it, feel it and praise God for it. Don’t take anything for granted. What if today was your last day on earth? Take snapshots with your mind as you look with new eyes at the fields of green, the budding trees. Spring arrives each year with the newness of life. Everything around us flourishes. Notice the pleasant fragrances in the air after a rainfall. You can even smell the dew worms. Seize the moments when they happen. So soon the moment could be gone. You will have missed out on God’s gifts to you. Breathe in the life around you and at the end of the day, when your head hits that pillow, sleep in peace knowing that life is good. Sing a new song or even an old one. “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings and see what God has done. Count your blessings, name them, one by one. Count your many blessings and see what God has done”.

A Reflection of His Love

I Praise You Lord
My trust is in you alone Lord.
You direct my path.
You make complete my soul.

With you Lord, I am forever free.
Your Love sustains me.
Continuously mending my broken heart.
Moulding me, conforming me to Your Perfect Image.

Day to day, You fill my cup with Love, and Hope.
Your gracious love and healing touch soothes my soul.
Like broken pottery restored by a potter's hand,
You restore me. I Praise You Lord.

May the mountains, You have helped me climb,
return to You the pleasant fragrance of Your perfume.
Blend it with the flowers of my love,
so we can be one in Spirit eternally.

Like flowing streams,
which trickle through thick forest glades
eroding through rugged mountains,
You direct my crooked paths, always bringing me back to You.

Your tender mercies flow upon me like a cascade.
Washing me again and again.
Though over 2000 years ago, Your blood was shed for me,
Your blood still flows from that cross today.

Still cleansing me.
Forever lifting my feet upon a solid rock.
Reminding me of the Great Sacrificial Love,
You have always shown me.

No other Love can compare to Your Perfect Love.
Thank - You Jesus.

Poem - by Rebecca Wills Robinson

Monday, April 11, 2011



We take snapshots along our journey.
When we do, it is our internal safe device
to inadvertently protect the moment.
It is our way of saying the picture will always remain
even if time should erode the reality of that moment.
Our fond memories remain including the sad ones
as we flip from page to page.
We smile at the memory, the times shared with close friends.
We feel the serenity for a brief moment
as we look thoughtfully at the pictures.
The special ones even make it into a picture frame
because they remind us of a precious moment.
They remind us of a relationship shared.
If we feel sad or alone on any particular day,
we look at the picture and the memory brings
a moment of comfort to our day.
I’m sure as we get older and continue to look at the snapshots
we appreciate them more and more as time goes on.
Especially as our reflection changes over time.
We realize how great we looked back then.
The tear of time may stain some old photos to see loved ones gone.
But we still have the picture, don’t we? We won.
Our insurance paid off. We still have the memory, that picture.
But it does also bring a pain of sorrow
with that realization of what seems lost.
If we dig deep enough we can still hear the laughter and sense
the quiet breeze of that day spent together with loved ones.
I cherish those moments shared.
Nothing seems to stay the same for a long period of time.
Why is it so?
Only God knows the answers to life’s questions.
I hope you enjoy the snapshots of the time you shared.
Reminisce for a moment, smile at the memory.
Mostly never forget what is true blue.
It easily gets lost in the shadows.
Find the beauty in life.
Sometimes it is nice to sit in the shadows with a close friend.
That is where I wait, in the shadow of God’s Mighty Wings,
I am compelled to stay and wait until we meet again.

Author - Rebecca Wills Robinson

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

Do you ever feel like you are sitting on the dock of the bay wasting time? It is a well known song which many of us can relate to. Perhaps you feel like time is your enemy. You race to work each day frustrated by the traffic, red lights, the price of gas it costs to get there. Friday arrives and you feel that finally you can have two days to do what you want to do. For some, the bills are higher than the wage and you must work a second job. One of my friends has three children and she finds herself doing her laundry at ten o’clock at night. There is not much time for her to dedicate to herself. Whatever is going on in our lives is real, it is personal to each of us. I can’t understand what you are going through or what your struggles are, any more than you can understand my struggles.

I am a Christian. I believe Jesus Christ is my Saviour. Yes, at times I still struggle with my dog hairs and cat dander. Sometimes I can feel alone in my thoughts and concerns. When I do feel this way, I relate to that old hymn Just a Closer Walk with Thee. Help me Jesus if you please. Who with me my burden’s share, none but Thee Lord, none but Thee. I know people can relate to that song because when I sing that song at public gatherings, that song gets the most applause.

Today I was feeling burdened. It was difficult to even pray, for I was feeling so grieved within my spirit. I didn’t really even know what to pray. With my honest thoughts and feelings, I laid my burdens upon the Lord as scripture tells us to do. I asked, “Lord Jesus, will you intercede for me today because I don’t even know what to pray? My heart feels heavy and my spirit weak.” Sometimes we just get tired of the fight and trying to do what seems right. I believe when we begin to feel this way, it helps to go to the Lord in prayer. Just talk to HIM. I did that. I also said, "God if there is something I did or said wrong, please reveal it to me, so that I may repent and make any changes I need to make.” Note - When we feel this way, it is not always caused from the sin in our lives. Many times it is just the challenges in life that begin to weigh us down.

Not being able to concentrate on my writing today, I took some quiet time. One particular thought made me weep. That thought was for many who try and struggle through life feeling so alone, tired and fed up. I wondered, how do they get through it? You don’t have to go through anything alone. You may feel alone.

The story of the woman at the well came to my mind. The woman met Jesus and gave Him a drink of water. There relationship began with dialogue. By the end of their conversation the woman at the well discovered and believed exactly who Jesus represents. Her life changed at the well that day. Jesus offered her living water. He was speaking of water which would quench her thirst forever. The woman at the well spent her life seeking things that couldn’t satisfy her desires. The bible says she had five husbands. Her lifestyle was considered to be sinful. Aren’t we all sinners? Is there not something in each of our lives which may be considered sinful? Jesus simply told her to turn from her sin and he would give her that living water which leads to eternal life. We can ask Him to help us too. Jesus is the word of life. He is not a closed book even if many of the bibles themselves are sitting  closed on a shelf with an inch of dust on them. We just have to open up to him.

What He told that woman at the well, He tells to each of us. Jesus knew her heart and He also knows our hearts. It is simple. We make it complicated. The woman had a choice to accept or reject Jesus (the water of life). Each of us has that same option.

At this particular moment I simply want to tell you about this water of life. I feel deeply for anyone who does feel alone in their struggles. Are you trying to find meaning or purpose for your life? Perhaps your purpose is to know Jesus? I tend to believe that is our purpose. To have that connection (life line) with God that stays attached through to eternity. Time does go by so fast. Before we know it our lives come to an end here on earth. Do you have assurance, hope for eternity? If you read that question and you are thinking, “I’m not sure”. You can be sure today. Your first step is to acknowledge Jesus presence in your life. Just say His name and he is there. “He stands at your door and knocks, waiting for you to open it and let him into your life, your home, your car, your heart.

Just start talking to him. Tell him what is on your mind. He can take it. He is God. Don’t worry if you feel your life is too sinful, or if you are too angry, bitter or sad. Acknowledge the truth to Him that - we do sin. We need you Jesus. (Because of the sins of Adam and Eve, we are born sinners. All of us.) God’s grace is sufficient to forgive all our sins. God loves you. He knows you better than anyone. He knows your thoughts before you even say them. He wants a relationship with me, with you. Jesus wants to be your best friend. You can have communion with Him this very day. He took upon Himself the sins of the world on that cross. His blood was shed for a purpose. That purpose was to wash away our sins so that we might have life eternal. One major purpose is so that God the creator of the universe could fellowship with each of us in a one on one relationship.

In reality, there is nothing simpler than this concept. There is no other offer as good. It is a free gift. Jesus paid the price. He made the sacrifice and took our punishment. Why? John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. – Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Halleluiah! That means - Praise the Lord.

If you have already accepted or believe that Jesus is your Saviour - Praise him everyday. Praise him while you drive your cars to work, while sitting at a red light. Laugh out loud with joy in your heart knowing you are saved from death. Let Jesus take the wheel of your life. Share the love of Christ with others.

Now that you are saved, be careful not to judge another person’s salvation or their heart. Leave that to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords the Saviour our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please don’t go through life alone. Please think about it. Please don’t go to your grave alone. Keep him close as always. Never let your love grow cold. In Jesus name - Amen!

NIV - Romans 10:9-14

If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame. For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile – the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

You can have a best friend a Saviour. Jesus is with you where ever you go.